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How to choose high-quality boron fertilizer

Date:2021-01-08 17:37:15   Hits:
admin:Shandong Haidailvzhou Biology Engineering Co., Ltd.

Traditional boron fertilizer

1. Borax

The chemical name is disodium tetraborate decahydrate (Na2 B4·10H2O), the main content of the national standard first-class product (Na2 B4· lOH.O) ≥95.0%, equivalent to 11% of boron (B), the appearance is white fine crystals, difficult Soluble in cold water, boron is easily fixed by the soil, and the plant has a low absorption and utilization rate in the season. It is a commonly used elemental boron fertilizer.

2. Boric acid

Molecular formula H3BO3, content (national standard) ≥99.5%, equivalent to about 17% of boron (B) content, is made by reacting boron magnesium ore with sulfuric acid, filtering, concentrating, crystallization and drying. Boric acid is colorless triclinic scaly crystals or white fine-grained crystals with pearly luster, soluble in water. It is an inorganic compound boron chemical raw material and one of the traditional boron fertilizer varieties.

3. Boron magnesium fertilizer

It is a by-product of the production of industrial boric acid. The main components are magnesium sulfate (MgSO4·7H2O) and boric acid (H3BO3). The main content is about 85-93%, of which magnesium sulfate accounts for about 80-90%, boric acid 3.6%, equivalent to boron (B) The content is 0.5-1%, and the appearance is white or off-white crystalline particles or powder. It has good water solubility. It is a medium-element fertilizer containing magnesium and a small amount of boron. It is suitable for use as a base fertilizer on acidic soils with magnesium deficiency and mild boron deficiency. Apply.

4. Instant Boron Fertilizer

The main ingredient is sodium octaborate tetrahydrate. The boron (B) content is as high as 21%. It has the characteristics of good water solubility, low dosage, high plant absorption and utilization, and less soil residue.

5. New generation boron fertilizer (fluid boron)

The liquid boron fertilizer made by the latest production technology is very soluble in water and can be mixed with water in any ratio. The solubility and absorption are better than disodium octaborate tetrahydrate, and it does not contain sodium ions. It is among the current boron fertilizer varieties The boron fertilizer with the best absorption, the aqueous solution is nearly neutral, and can be mixed with a variety of foliar fertilizers, pesticides, etc.


How to use boron fertilizer reasonably?

1. Kish

For soils with heavier boron deficiency, borax can be used as a base fertilizer to extend the boron supply time of the soil. The dosage is 0.5-1 kg per mu. When planting crops, mix the purchased boron fertilizer with farm manure, chemical fertilizer or appropriate amount of dry and fine soil as a base fertilizer for hole application or strip application, and try to avoid contact with seeds. Apply borax to areas where the boron deficiency is not too serious and the soil is heavy to prevent borax residues from causing soil acidification and poisoning crops. Consider applying it every two years. The best choice for greenhouse crops is tetrahydrate and eight boron.

2. Drip topdressing

Use 100-200 grams of fluid boron per mu, with water drip irrigation, together with mineral-source potassium fulvic acid or seaweed extract or brassin, the effect is better.

3. Foliar spray

Boron has a poor ability to work in plants, and fluid boron should be sprayed 2-3 times before the crops bloom. Cotton can be sprayed at the bud stage, combined with brassinolide, spray 2-3 times every half month.

Why do we need to supplement boron for fruit trees? When to make up? You'll know after reading these

Boron fertilizer is an indispensable nutrient element in crop growth.

1. When is the best time for boron fertilizer? Can fertilizer be used during flowering?

If spraying boron fertilizer, it is recommended to spray it before flowering, early flowering, or early fruit setting, which can effectively promote flowering and fruit setting, and reduce the impact on pollination.

In addition, it is best not to spray boron fertilizer during the blooming period. The blooming period flowers are more sensitive to chemicals and fertilizers. If they are used improperly, problems are likely to occur.

2. Why do we need to supplement boron for fruit trees?

(1) It is beneficial to promote the formation and development of floral organs and increase the fruit setting rate.

(2) It can make the skin of the fruit smooth and delicate, and can reduce the appearance of rough skin, thickening of the skin, and unevenness in the later stage of the fruit growth, and improve the fruit.

(3) It can also improve the absorption of magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese and other nutrients by fruit trees.

(4) Promote the germination of tree tops, promote the differentiation of flower buds, make the new shoots neat and strong, and have sufficient nutrition accumulation to avoid the phenomenon of large and small years.

(5) Boron can appropriately increase the stress resistance of plants.

In early spring, the temperature changes greatly. Appropriate boron supplementation can enhance crop resistance (cold resistance, drought resistance, etc.), which is beneficial to crop growth.

(6) Boron can promote cell division and elongation.

When boron is deficient, the growth of the root tips and lateral roots of the crop will be inhibited, and the growth will stop, making the root system shorter and thicker, which is not conducive to the absorption of nutrients by the root system and affects the absorption capacity of the crop.

3. When boron is deficient, what impact will it have on different fruit trees?

Different types of fruit trees, when boron is deficient, first occur and behave on the growth points and new leaves, but the specific symptoms are different.


(1) Boron deficiency in citrus

Citrus boron deficiency is prone to yellow leaf blight.

It often manifests as bald branches and withered tips, old leaves becoming thicker and brittle, leaf veins becoming thicker and cork-shaped, and skin bursting; fruit juice sacs atrophy, less juicy residue, thickened skin, shrinking, small and hard fruit.

(2) Boron deficiency in apple trees

When apple trees are deficient in boron, the leaves are prone to withered tops and clusters.

After withering, the lower side branches sprout many small and thick leaves, forming "clusters of leaves". The top branches and leaves are yellow, and severe leaf margins or leaf tips are scorched.

In the later stage, the symptoms of boron deficiency will also appear on the fruit, causing "fruit shrink disease". The color of the diseased fruit is brown, cork, and the surface is uneven.

(3) Boron deficiency in pear trees

Symptoms of nutrient deficiency in different parts:

Bud: The scales of mature buds are loose and cracked, and they will fall off when touched, and the growth points will appear to die.

Flower: The flower becomes smaller, cannot be fully opened, the flowering period is shortened, the fruit setting rate is low, and brown spots appear on the edge of the petal in severe cases.

Leaf: The leaf shape becomes smaller and the leaf quality becomes brittle. In severe cases, brown scorched spots appear on the edge of the leaf, which makes it easy to fall leaves early.

New shoots: weak growth, shorter internodes, and stop growing early. In severe cases, no shoots can be drawn or only short spring shoots can be drawn, and the tree is weak.

Fruits: Boron deficiency can cause poor development, deformities, and uneven fruit surface.

(4) Boron deficiency in peach trees

Peach trees are deficient in boron, and lighter ones will lead to weak tree vigor, low yield and poor quality. In severe cases, most of the branches are dead or have buds and no flowers, resulting in no production.

Symptoms of boron deficiency in different parts:

New shoots: The new shoots are withered, and many side branches grow from below the dead parts, which are arbuscular.

Bud: The germination is abnormal, and then it will brown and die.

Young leaves: terminal buds stop growing, young leaves are yellow-green. Symptoms of scorching, distortion and even necrosis often appear on the tip and edge of young leaves. New

 The leaflets are thick, brittle, deformed, and often clustered.

Flowering: Boron deficiency during flowering will cause poor pollination and fertilization, which will cause a large number of flowers to fall and reduce fruit setting.

Fruits: Boron deficiency often has two manifestations in fruits. One is that after the diseased spots on the fruit surface are necrotic, the cork turns into dry spots; the other is that the diseased spots on the fruit surface are water-stained and then the flesh is brown. It becomes spongy, and fruit cracks before harvest when it is seriously ill.

(5) Boron deficiency in grapes

Boron deficiency of grapes is mainly manifested in leaves, fruits and new shoots.

The leaf disease occurs, and the young leaves appear water-soaked light yellow spots, which gradually become obvious as the leaves grow. The leaf margins and veins are chlorosis, and the new leaves are shrunken and deformed. In the later stage, the leaf margins turn yellow and white, and they will scorch after the last.

Boron deficiency during the flowering period often shows that the corolla cannot fall off, and the color becomes brown, similar to a tube. In severe cases, the flower buds die and cause severe flower drop.

Boron deficiency can also cause poor grape fruit, such as boron deficiency in swollen fruits, which can lead to browning and necrosis of the pulp tissue.

4. How to remedy boron deficiency?

To prevent boron deficiency in fruit trees, the following measures can be taken to prevent it:

(1) Improve the soil, strengthen fertilizer and water management, and prevent it by increasing organic fertilizers.

(2) Prevent it by spraying boron on foliage or applying boron on soil.

(3) The growth points and young fruits of fruit trees are the main parts of boron consumption. Therefore, it is also possible to reduce the consumption of boron through sprouts in spring, fruit thinning and pruning in summer.

5. How to judge whether your orchard needs boron supplementation?

If possible, you can use an instrument to measure the boron content in the soil aqueous solution.

When the boron content of the aqueous solution in the soil is less than 0.5 mg/kg, it is boron deficiency, and when it is less than 0.25 mg/kg, it is a serious boron deficiency phenomenon.

Another is that when crops show symptoms of boron deficiency, they have already indicated severe boron deficiency, and it is necessary to quickly replenish boron. However, at this time the damage has already been caused, and the effect of supplementation is not great. Therefore, it is necessary to refer to the past growth of the fruit tree and decide whether to supplement fertilizer in time according to its own fertilization situation.

In addition, if the following conditions are prone to boron deficiency, boron must be supplemented in time:

(1) Calcareous soil, especially soil containing more free calcium carbonate.

(2) Strongly leached acidic soil.

(3) Lighter soil. Such as sand, windy sand and so on.

(4) Soil with low organic content or rarely applied organic fertilizers.

(5) Acidic soils that use a large amount of lime will cause boron deficiency over time.

(6) Excessive application of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers to the soil.

6. What are the boron fertilizers? How to do it better?

Commonly used boron fertilizers include borax, boric acid, and boron-magnesium fertilizers.

Because the content, product purity, and product quality of various types of boron vary greatly, the concentration and methods of using various boron fertilizers are also different.

Generally speaking, the main application methods are base application and foliar application.

For the application of low-content boron or granular boron fertilizer, it is generally based on soil, and it is often mixed with fine soil, phosphate fertilizer or nitrogen fertilizer and applied in furrow or hole during planting and transplanting of crops.

Boron mud is often used as a base fertilizer. Because it is alkaline, it is mostly used in the south.

For powder or liquid boron with high content or spraying type, it is mainly used for foliar spraying, and spraying is carried out during the period of fruit tree before bud, before flower and after flower, young fruit stage.

7. What are the common mistakes in the use of boron fertilizer?

Misunderstanding 1: More boron is prone to fertilizer damage. Just apply boron once a year when applying basal fertilizer to crops. Crops need a continuous supply of boron. Don't think about applying boron only once a year. On boron-deficient soils, it is best to combine basal application of boron fertilizer with foliar fertilizer, and spray a small amount on the foliar surface several times (2-3 times for reference).

Misunderstanding 2: Boron is a micro-fertilizer, not as important as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Boron has an irreplaceable effect on the flowering and fruiting of crops. It is as important as other fertilizers such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Everyone must pay attention to the use of boron fertilizer.

Misunderstanding 3: Multi-element foliar fertilizer is better than single trace element boron fertilizer. As the most important microelement for the flowering and fruiting of crops, boron is in high demand for most economic, fruit and vegetable crops. The trace amount of boron contained in many foliar fertilizers cannot meet the boron demand of crops.

Therefore, for boron-deficient crops, boron supplementation alone is better than spraying foliar fertilizers containing multiple elements.

Misunderstanding 4: Do not look at the pure boron content of the product when buying boron fertilizer. Many low-quality and counterfeit boron fertilizers often do not indicate the pure boron content in accordance with national requirements, and only vaguely indicate the so-called product purity. Therefore, when purchasing boron fertilizers, everyone must be clear about the products. For specialized boron fertilizers, the pure boron content must be indicated.

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