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    Popular science-high-efficiency fertilization technology for fruit trees

    Date:2021-01-08 17:37:15   Hits:
    admin:Shandong Haidailvzhou Biology Engineering Co., Ltd.

    Fertilization in orchards should be based on basic fertilizer, supplemented by topdressing, and should be applied in a timely and reasonable manner according to the characteristics of the fertilizer and the characteristics of the different growth periods of the fruit trees.

       One, determine the appropriate fertilization period.

      1. Base fertilizer should be applied in autumn: timely application of base fertilizer in the orchard can not only improve the soil, stabilize and high yield, but also make the fruit trees grow stronger and increase their stress resistance. After the fruit is harvested, basal fertilizer has the best effect. Because the application of basal fertilizer in autumn coincides with the third growth peak of the root system of fruit trees, the roots that are damaged by ditching and digging are the easiest to heal and can give out new roots, which is conducive to the recovery of the root system; when basal fertilizer is applied in autumn, the root system has strong ability to absorb water and fertilizer , Increase the nutrients in the tree, improve

       High tissue cell concentration helps fruit trees resist the cold and overwinter; autumn application of basal fertilizer is beneficial to organic fertilizers in winter and spring to decompose and transform and continuously release nutrients to provide fruit tree flower bud differentiation in time; autumn application of basal fertilizer can increase the fruit setting rate of trees.

      2. Application of top dressing on demand: For example, spraying urea before and 3 weeks after blooming of apple trees can promote the growth and development of flowering, fruit setting and new shoots and leaves; spraying potassium phosphite during the differentiation of flower buds of fruit trees can increase the branch and bud C/N , It is very beneficial to the differentiation of flower buds; spraying potassium phosphite in the later stage of fruit growth can improve fruit quality and increase fruit sugar and coloring.

       2. Choose a reasonable fertilizer ratio

       Organic fertilizers should be combined with quick-acting nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Micro-element deficiency syndromes that have occurred over the years should be combined with micro-fertilizers. Organic fertilizer should be mainly composed of compost, barnyard manure, garbage fertilizer, humic acid fertilizer, green manure, straw, melon vine, grass, and can also be appropriately mixed with human waste, plant ash, etc. It is worth noting that chemical fertilizers are rich in nutrients and high in effective nutrients. They should be fully mixed and evenly mixed before being applied. After fertilization, they should be covered with soil in time.

       3. Use scientific fertilization methods

      1. Ring furrow fertilization method. Dig a 30-40 cm wide and 15-45 cm deep annular trench around the canopy, and then mix the topsoil and base fertilizer into it. This method is suitable for young orchards.

      2. Radial fertilization method. At a distance of 1 meter from the trunk, dig 6-8 radial trenches with a width of 30-60 cm and a depth of 15-45 cm, reaching the outer edge of the trunk. Cover the soil after applying fertilizer to the ditch. This method is suitable for mature orchards.

      3. Strip furrow fertilization method. Dig 1-2 long strip trenches with a width of 50 cm and a depth of 40-50 cm between fruit trees or between trees, and then fertilize and cover the soil. This method is suitable for mature orchards.

      4. Point casting. Under the tree 1 meter in diameter, evenly dig 10-20 cone-shaped holes with a depth of 40-50 cm, an upper mouth of 30 cm and a bottom of 10 cm. Fill the hole with dead branches and rotten leaves, cover the mouth with a plastic sheet, top dressing and watering in the hole. This method is suitable for sandy orchards with poor water and fertility retention.

       5. Soil fertilization method. Drill holes under the tree canopy, pour the diluted fertilizer into the holes, and let the fertilizer and water penetrate slowly. This method is suitable for orchards in densely planted areas and mature orchards in arid areas.

       6. Whole garden fertilization method. Spread the fertilizer evenly throughout the garden, turn the fertilizer into the soil, and the appropriate depth is 25 cm. This method is suitable for mature trees with full roots or densely planted orchards.

      7. Fertilize with water. In the sapling garden covered with plastic film, the chemical fertilizer can be dissolved in the water first, and then applied together with the irrigation water.

      8. Intercropping fertilization method. Interplanting sweet potato, peas, yellow flowers, alfalfa, broad beans, mung beans, soybeans and other plants between the rows of fruit trees can increase the organic quality of the soil. This method has a good effect on young or adult orchards


      9. Extra-root (foliar) fertilization method. When it is found that fruit trees have mild nutritional disorders, the method of spraying liquid fertilizer on the tree body can be used. The concentration of the spraying liquid fertilizer can be determined according to the tree species, tree age, growth period, and fertilizer type. Generally, spray 2-3 times continuously, with an interval of 7-10 times. day.

      10. Borehole fertilization method. Drill 3 deep holes at the base of the tree trunk, and use a high-pressure injection machine to directly inject the fertilizer required by the fruit tree into the tree. This method is suitable for the application or correction of fertilizers.

      ⑺ Choose local tree species and try not to use thin-skinned tree species, such as Albizia julibrissin and Qingtong.

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